How You Can Increase Your Computer Knowledge With Filename Extension
Filename Extension
Filename extension is an identifier that specified as a suffix to the name of a computer file. The extension of the filename indicates the characteristic of the file contents or what it is used for. Understanding the extension of a file is the beginning of the knowledge of information communication technology (ICT).
Getting familiar with the types of filename extensions is very important. That way, you may wish to seek more knowledge on how these files are been operated.
To run or open a file on a computer system for instance image. We have the filename extension for image to be in JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG etc. This image filename extension can be viewed or opened, using image gallery on your computers. Such as your mobile phones or your desktop.
What is filename extension?
Filename extension is a short series of text characters at the end of a computer filename. It is used to indicate the type of contents and the software that will be required to operate, run or open it. For example, a text file have a filename extension of .txt. It is a string of character beginning with a period and followed by one or more letter.
There are many different filename extensions and file types used with computers, the list below are some of the filename extensions:
Audio file formats by filename extensions
There are different “audio filename extension”, “formats and standards”, used today. Below is a list of the most common audio filename extensions: .aif - AIF audio file.cda - CD audio track file
.mid or .midi - MIDI audio file.
.mp3 - MP3 audio file
.mpa - MPEG-2 audio file
.ogg - Ogg Vorbis audio file
.wav - WAV file
.wma - WMA audio file
.wpl - Windows Media Player playlist
Video filename extension and file format
The types filename extensions associated with video files adding to the different types of compression, compatibility, and DRM to video files. Below is a list of the commonly used video filename extensions:.mp4 - MPEG4 video file .vob - DVD Video Object
.3g2 - 3GPP2 multimedia file
.3gp - 3GPP multimedia file
.avi - AVI file
.flv - Adobe Flash file
.h264 - H.264 video file
.m4v - Apple MP4 video file
.mkv - Matroska Multimedia Container
.mov - Apple QuickTime movie file
.mpg or .mpeg - MPEG video file
.rm - RealMedia file
.swf - Shockwave flash file
.wmv - Windows Media Video file
Executable filename extensions
The executable file are filename extension, that can be run by themselves or with the aid of an interpreter. Some of the files are application program. Below are list of some executable files:
.apk - Android package file
.bat - Batch file
.bin - Binary file
.cgi or .pl - Perl script file
.exe - Executable file
.gadget - Windows gadget
.jar - Java Archive file
.py - Python file
.wsf - Windows Script File
Data and database filename extensions
A data filename extension are files that relate to data used for a database, errors, information, exporting, importing. Some of the list of data filename extension are listed below: .csv - Comma separated value file.mdb - Microsoft Access database file
.dat - Data file
.db or .dbf - Database file
.log - Log file
.sav - Save file (e.g., game save file)
.sql - SQL database file
.tar - Linux / Unix tarball file archive
.xml - XML file
Word processing and text filename extension
Creating text files and using a word processor is the most common use tasks on a computer. Below is the ‘filename extensions’ used with “text files and documents”: .doc and .docx - Microsoft Word file.odt - OpenOffice Writer document file
.pdf - PDF file
.rtf - Rich Text Format
.tex - A LaTeX document file
.txt - Plain text file
.wks and .wps- Microsoft Works file
.wpd - WordPerfect document
Font filename extensions
Below are some of the common filename extensions used with fonts:.otf - Open type font file
.fnt - Windows font file
.fon - Generic font file
.ttf - TrueType font file
Image filename extension
There are different types of image filename extensions that can be used when creating and saving images on the computer. Some of the most commonly used image filename extensions are listed - Adobe Illustrator file
.bmp - Bitmap image
.gif - GIF image
.psd - PSD image
.ico - Icon file
.png - PNG image
.ps - PostScript file
.svg - Scalable Vector Graphics file
.tif or .tiff - TIFF image
Presentation filename extensions and file format
Some of the few most commonly used presentation filename extensions associated with presentation programs are listed below: .key - Keynote presentation.odp - OpenOffice Impress presentation file
.pps - PowerPoint slide show
.ppt - PowerPoint presentation
.pptx - PowerPoint Open XML presentation
Spreadsheet filename extension
Below are common filename extensions that are used to save spreadsheet files on a computer: .xlsx - Microsoft Excel Open XML spreadsheet file.ods - OpenOffice Calc spreadsheet file
.xlr - Microsoft Works spreadsheet file
.xls - Microsoft Excel file
Programming filename extensions
Many file extensions are used for programs before they are compiled, as well as programming scripts. Below is a list of the most common “file extensions” associated with “programming”.Many of the Internet related filename extensions are also included with these filename extensions stated below:
.cpp - C++ source code file
.vb - Visual Basic file
.c - C and C++ source code file
.class - Java class file
.cs - Visual C# source code file
.h - C, C++, and Objective-C header file
.java - Java Source code file
.sh - Bash shell script
.swift - Swift source code file
System filename extensions
Most ‘operating system’ has ‘filename extensions’ that is quite different from others, below is a list of the most common “file extensions used on operating systems of computers”:
.bak - Backup file
.cab - Windows Cabinet file
.cfg - Configuration file
.cpl - Windows Control panel file
.cur - Windows cursor file
.dll - DLL file
.dmp - Dump file
.drv - Device driver file
.icns - macOS X icon resource file
.ico - Icon file
.lnk - Windows shortcut file
.msi - Windows installer package
.sys - Windows system file
.tmp - Temporary file
The above filename extension listed are the knowledge of filename extensions you need to know in your choosing ICT career.
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