The Secret Of Search Engine High Rankings | Focusing On Google - The hub of technology | Dedontech

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The Secret Of Search Engine High Rankings | Focusing On Google

Websites optimization for search engines is an important concept that helps to drives traffic to your websites pages and posts. A well structured website with absolute unique keywords is an essential factors that help Google crawler to find your web pages on the web-search engine. As part of the organic search that brings sales and conversation to your online business. Search Engine helps you to be more visible on the web, when searchers, search on related topics you have published on the web.

They are many search engines, but our focus is on Google web search. First of all, I would like you to note that, increasing the loading speed of your website is very important. As a matter of fact, Google ranks website higher on web search, when the website loads very fast. Based on this algorithms of Google search criteria, it is very important for a web developer to improve the loading time of their website.
Search Engine Secret To Stay At the Top Ranking | SEO

Steps To Optimize Your Posts Or Pages

Considering the listed item below are very important factor for SEO to rank you high on web search queried:

  1. Title of your post or page
  2. The content of the post (Content-length)
  3. Paragraphing
  4. Keywords
  5. Meta Tag Descriptions
  6. Back-linking of External URL/Link
  7. Internal Link Building

Taking for instance, we want to optimize a post or page, titled: “The Old Man That Rode His Bicycle From Point A To B”.


1. Title of the post:
The Old Man Rode His Bicycle From Point A To B

2. The Content of the post:
The old man is fully aware that, to be healthy and physically sound, he needs to do some exercise.

3. Paragraphing:
Using lengthy paragraphs make it harder for readers to read and scan your text. Good paragraphs discuss one single well-defined aspect of the topic at hand.

The structure of the texts on your website is important for SEO. If your content is clearly structured, your chance to rank well in Google will be higher, [Yoast]. Note that, a well defined sentence length, should not be more than 20 words.

4. Keywords:
The keywords are the concept and topics that define what your content is taking about. In respect to SEO, they are the words or phrases that are entered into search engines. These words or phrases are queried-out to bring the requested information from the search engine.

It is very important to lay more emphasis on the keywords of your content. The “key emphasis of your content”, will make your site more visible on search engine.

5. Meta Tag Descriptions:
The meta description tag in HTML is the 150 character snippet used to summarize the content of web pages. Search engines often uses these snippets in search results to let visitors know what a page is about before they visit the page.

6. Back-linking of External URL/Link:
A back-link is a link that created when one website links to another website. Back-links are also referred to as inbound links or incoming links. Back-links are important to SEO.

Back-links are very important and valuable for SEO because they represent a vote of confidence from one site to another, [MOZ].

7. Internal Link Building:
The internal link connects one page of a website to a different page on the same website. In an internal link build, the root domain and target domain are the same.

The importance of building Internal Links

Building Internal links has three main advantage:
  • It helps in website navigation
  • It defines the architecture and hierarchy of a website
  • It distributes pages authority and ranking power throughout the website.
Building a website for SEO can only be achieved with the best practice as discussed in this article.
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