How To Start XAMPP Web Server On Your Personal Computer - The hub of technology | Dedontech

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How To Start XAMPP Web Server On Your Personal Computer

XAMPP Web Server is a cross platform web server application developed, stack and package by Apache and Friends. It is a free and open-source software and consist mainly of Apache HTTP Server, MariaDB database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages.

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The process of Starting Xampp web server are stated below:
Starting XAMPP Web Server On Your Computer device

1. Navigate on your computer to locate your This PC File disc and select:

2. Scroll to the Xampp folder and select by clicking on it.

A image of Xampp server folder on hard disk

3. Scroll down through the folder to see a files name xampp-control.exe and click on the file to start the Apache and MySQL button by clicking on the button to start the server.

Xampp-control.exe file inside Xampp folde

When the file xampp-control.exe is clicked, the will display several menus, but the menu you have to start is the Apache and MySQL menu button that said start.

Starting XAMPP Web Server On Your Computer device
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